What Members Says
It is a privilege to lead such an outstanding institution of higher learning. Pakistan Education Foundation over the past 20 years has been prospering in taking measures to impart quality education at an affordable cost.
The Foundation has financed the education of more than 500+ students in the past 3 years and provides scholarships and need-cum financing to deserving students. From January 2018, PEF has been running its SFAP Program- Scholarships & Financial Assistance Program, for the students of PAF-KIET, whereby PEF will administer the program itself so that deserving students can be rewarded. Our sound KIET curriculum is led by distinguished faculty who are experts in their fields and value teaching. Our low faculty-to-student ratio allows us to have full-time faculty teaching students in small classes and provides ample opportunities for undergraduate research.
“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world!”
Pakistan Education Foundation is geared to be the nation’s foremost organization focusing on empowering youth through education from college to the university. PEF has established KIET committed to understand and expand the pathways that lead to educational attainment with a vision to gain Degree Awarding status in Pakistan. We recognize the demands of today’s dynamically changing world and understand the niche of well-equipped professional minds who can ultimately contribute to the overall economic and educational development of the world. As a community of scholars, we at PEF enthusiastically embrace our past, celebrate our present accomplishments, and effectively plan for your future. We are committed to building a community that is devoted to student success and values individual learning, growth and service. It underscores our core values of honesty and integrity; respect for diversity; engagement in the community; and committing to reason, promoting peace, open mindedness and globalization.
“Without education it is complete darkness and with education it is light. Education is a matter of life and death to our nation. The world is moving so fast that if you do not educate yourselves you will be not only completely left behind, but will be finished up.” ― Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Education is the key to turn a weakness into a strength. It offers different tools and ways to understand problems that lay ahead of us and helps resolve them. More importantly, education provides with considerable mental agility to make the right decisions and spring into action when needed. Pakistan Education Foundation is fully committed towards designing policies and procedures that shall govern its projects in a very efficient and effective manner. These measure taken by PEF will be beneficial for the students and teachers which will subsequently lead to an exponential growth of the projects in terms of academics and research. However, despite progress, women and girls continue to face multiple barriers based on gender and its intersections with other factors, such as age, ethnicity, poverty, and disability, in the equal enjoyment of the right to quality education. This includes barriers, at all levels, to access quality education and within education systems, institutions, and classrooms. PEF has recognized the equal right to quality education of everyone and committed to achieving gender equality in all fields, including education, through their acceptance of international human rights law.
“Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.” ― Mark Twain
As the Joint Secretary, I am honored to be a part of such a reputable organization that has dedicated over 20 years committing to education. Through its projects, PEF has ensured that quality education be imparted to the students of Pakistan, in the fields of Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Engineering and Media & Arts. We are student oriented and work in the best interest of students with fullest support of securing admissions, acquiring scholarships, counselling sessions, training and capacity enhancement. Without a doubt, it is an unforgettable experience that can change your life. Thank you for entrusting in Pakistan Education Foundation (PEF). We do our best to provide an environment for academic and professional growth and development of students and look forward to continuing our efforts in making international qualifications a dream come true for you.
Individually and collectively let’s work to serve the cause of education, for the betterment of the coming generation so that they live in a world “where knowledge is free and the head is held high”; “where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls” and “the clear stream of reasoning has not lost its way”. Let our boys and girls grow as world class citizens - a generation of eminent thinkers and wise planners contributing to a better world order. That exactly is our wish; and that exactly is our dream.